Self-Portrait of the Blogger, From My Sketchbook. . .

Good Monday morning to all of you, May I just say that sometimes blogging is hard? Perhaps tougher than it looks from that side of the screen.  I took so much encouragement from your response…

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Strange? If You Say So. . . A bit about What I Wore. . . and Why. . .

Just as I suspected, the weekend with the Seven, the Five, and their dog, was fun . . . and tiring. The Eleven (the idolized big cousin!) visited for a few hours as well;  her…

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OOTD for Walking and Listening and Thinking. . . Postcards from the Neighbourhood

Making up our week’s supply of muesli this morning, getting ready for my online (live, Zoom) yoga class, I thought briefly about the comment an Anonymous reader left on Monday’s post (deleted 30 seconds after I…

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Postcard from a Staycation. . . Italy in Vancouver. . .

First of all, wanting to do my small part (la philosophie du colibri/legend of the hummingbird) to keep the #BlackLivesMatter movement centered, to keep those Black Lives Mattering, I recommend the Netflix series The Eddy.…

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Finally, A HairCut. . . Grey Curls Under Control Again, Whew!

This is what I wore for my first haircut in five months (five months!). . . Levi 501s and a new t-shirt by a Japanese company called Homspun, bought in a shop that sells the…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.