The Camera Never Lies? (but has it a sense of humour?)

 Okay, so I got a bit exasperated. . . You wouldn’t know that ten minutes earlier, I’d felt really good about the outfit I’d put together for our night at the opera (Madama Butterfly —…

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A Guest Blogger Reads Ferrante . . .

An article on the Sassi di Matera (the stone homes/cave dwellings in Puglia, Italy) in this weekend’s Globe and Mail Travel section reminded me that I’d just learned about these remarkable buildings and the culture…

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Sunday Reading — A Few Links for You

Crossing nine time zones is wearing, especially if it’s done in two flights, the second one delayed several hours in an extremely busy international airport requiring movement from one big terminal to another. Leaving early…

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On the Ground, In Rome . . .

Struck again by Rome’s astonishing beauty, its colours, its splendid light, the way it casually mixes high and low, old and new, chaos and tranquility, I’ve been snapping so many photos — you can check…

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Building a Bit of Buzz. . . .Cynthea Masson’s The Alchemists’ Council. . .

While it wasn’t my first book of the new year, Cynthea Masson’s The Alchemists’ Council arrived in the first parcel of 2016. I’d been excitedly anticipating this Advance Reading Copy for a few weeks, quelling my…

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