An Urban Condo Garden, Rooftop-Style, in November. . . .

 Shall we take a quick tour of my Fall Garden? The photos were taken over the past three or four weeks, as the days got shorter and colder — that Japanese maple above was golden…

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And In the Condo Terrace Garden — Report On Our First Summer

You might remember that this past April, I shared my intention to track my new (container) garden’s growth via regular posting here, to turn the pages of its story with you looking over my shoulder.…

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A Garden in Germany — Third in a Series of Garden Visits

On Friday, I introduced you to Eleonore, and gave you a quick peek into her garden, let her say a few words, and promised we’d spend more time with her on Monday. And now it’s…

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A Garden Teaser For You

I’m hoping to resume my regular blogging routine next week, kicking off with another post in our Garden Visits series. I received the photos and wonderful accompanying narrative earlier this week from regular reader and commenter,…

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A Mystery Guest in my Garden

Thanks so much for your lovely responses to the post I almost didn’t write on Monday, feeling a bit discouraged about blogging as I was. Or perhaps not so much discouraged as protective of my…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.