A Rant-balancing Bouquet on Canada Day
Having indulged in a rant, however reasonable and muted I believe that rant to have been, it seems only right to offer a bouquet. The coppery roses are Royal Sunset, the yellow ones Graham Thomas,…
View PostHaving indulged in a rant, however reasonable and muted I believe that rant to have been, it seems only right to offer a bouquet. The coppery roses are Royal Sunset, the yellow ones Graham Thomas,…
View PostToday is July 1st, our Canadian celebration of self-congratulatory nationalism, picnics, and things red and white. Many of us have been fortunate enough to wangle a day off yesterday as well, so we’ve had as…
View PostMy apologies to those of you who subscribe. This post just represents a shuffling of my notes, a bit of house-cleaning — I’m moving the clutter from my side-bar, but I still want to keep…
View PostYesterday, I showed youwhy you really need to go see the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris. Today, let me suggest that you could also just stay home and smell the roses. That’s what I’m doing,…
View PostAs David Downie puts it in his Paris, Paris, Journey into the City of Light, the Luxembourg Gardens are, “in their own way. . . a perfect world: sixty acres of terraced woods and walks,…
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