My Sweatshirt from Paris, as worn to Photograph More Beach

 I bought this sweatshirt (by Leon and Harper, the label whispers Hello I Love You Can You Tell Me Your Name each time I shrug my head through it) in Paris last month (total coup…

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Beach Walk, Continued. . .

First, I should point out that text and photos in this post have very little to do with each other. The photos were taken on the weekend on an island beach, in case you missed…

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A Walk on the Beach

 Want to take a beach walk with me? We got back from our island visit Saturday evening, went to a beautiful and emotional shower at my sister’s (for my nephew’s new daughter) on Sunday, and…

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There’s Bad News and There’s Good News….

Good morning, Monday! I realize that you’re an understanding crowd, and that I don’t need to be all upbeat, all the time around here, but I’m finding it particularly tough at the moment to write…

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Wednesday: Pictures and a Few Words . . . How to Look at Hydrangeas

 I know that the colour of hydrangeas has much to do with the pH balance of the soil  but I’ve no idea how many seasons it will take me to turn this shrub’s blooms to…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.