A Temporary Activist Updates and then Escapes to her Garden

 Thanks so much for your supportive comments on my last post. Honestly, I’m embarrassed to have garnered any praise for bravery; I don’t feel as if I have been, particularly, as I don’t see any…

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Garden Update — Condo Rooftop Container Garden, That Is. . .

 Our local heat wave has broken, with a promised “chance of showers” today and tomorrow, the “risk of thunderstorms” this afternoon.  Enough “local smoke”  to trigger an Air Quality Warning (wildfire on the outskirts of…

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Garden Journal, Interrupted. . .

 For today’s post, let me just tell you that I’ve begun keeping a Garden Journal, trying to do a quick sketch and write a few words about what’s happening out on the terrace. I began…

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Garden Walking — the Cure for What Ails Me. . .

 Besides having my mother’s birthday, and the anniversary of her death, on the March calendar, I realized today that it’s also the month we listed our much-loved island home for sale two years ago. Overall,…

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Busy Season?! Take Some Respite in a Renaissance Garden

There’s una recita, a recital, at daycare this afternoon before the school closes for the Christmas break. As well, we have to pick up a few little gifts, so there will be something for each…

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