Train Travel and Travel Journalling

Two Fridays ago, I listed Five Things and then added a sixth when realized I’d forgotten the Train Ticket I’d intended as #1! I said I’d tell you more about it soon, and it seems…

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Cashmere Mending: Patchwork, Sashiko, and a Bit of Play

 A week or two ago I posted this image on Instagram: a patch I’d sashiko‘d over a hole in a cashmere sweater, and I had a request to explain the process here on the blog.…

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Friday — Another Sleepover Guest, Another Test for the New Urban Lifestyle

 Okay, these photos really have nothing to do with the text of this post — except that they testify to the compensations an urban lifestyle offers against the reduction of space it cost us. .…

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Thanksgiving In the City, Reflections . . .

Today is officially Canadian Thanksgiving (here’s a fascinating article about the respective histories of the American and the Canadian feast, in light of the indigenous celebrations that preceded contact) but like many Canadians, our family…

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Travel RePort Re Portland. . .

First of all, thanks again to Eleonore for that delightful garden visit and the dramatic story that unfolded as she introduced us to it. I’m so pleased with the Garden Series — when I proposed…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.