Paris Shopping: Des Belles Addresses

We’re packing up this evening, and by this time tomorrow I’ll be cuddling a Five and a Three that I haven’t seen since they surprised me for that Really Big Birthday! Not much time to…

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Postcards from Ston, Croatia

 I haven’t been pen-and-ink sketching in my written journal much this visit,  doing watercolour sketches in a separate journal instead (I’ll post my latest watercolour tomorrow or Wednesday, flaws and all). But a few mornings…

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Authenticity at a Certain Age — or The Authenticity OF a Certain Age. . .

First of all, because this is such a busy pre-travel week for me, I’m going to spread this thinking out into three posts — and the last one is likely to be delayed a bit…

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Five Things Friday — Creativity and Visual Inspiration

I’m on school drop-off duty this morning (honestly, it’s a pleasure rather than a duty, and I volunteered), and then a doctor’s appointment directly after, so this will be quick.  Just thought I’d share Five…

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Five Things on a Sunny Spring Friday

Well, we’ll see if I make it to Five Things.  1. These beautiful apple blossoms on the Scarlet Sentinel tree opened this week in our terrace garden, thanks to some very generous sunshine.  Besides being…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.