Weekend Sketching . . .

Good Monday morning! We’re in the middle of what constitutes a heat wave here in normally rainy Vancouver — no rain for a week or so and there’s none forecast for the next week, with…

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Travel Wardrobe Recap

 It’s been over two months since Pater and I embarked on our five weeks/one carry-on (each!) travel through France, Germany, and Croatia, and somehow I have yet to properly share my travel wardrobe here. Nowhere…

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Weekend Plans and A Travel Journal Page

My son and daughter-in-law arrive this afternoon to stay for the weekend with our 3-year-old granddaughter and 3-month-old grandson.  Times like this we really miss our waterfront home with a tiny guest cottage in the…

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More Lyon: A Page from my Travel Journal

The frustration involved in sketching this page — which I’m now quite pleased with — doesn’t show, unless you notice the murky marks of erasure, the dirt that’s adhered to hand oils after too much…

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More Zagreb Summer Street Style

We got home yesterday afternoon, had a Daughter, Son-in-Law, a Five and a Three for dinner (seemed a good idea when we texted the idea from Paris; felt a bit too much yesterday evening, but…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.