Monday Memories — Train Rides Past, Train Rides to Come. . .

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions about my upcoming trip to Edinburgh. After I leave that city, I have a day of train travel to my next destination and then, a few days later, another…

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Of Apples and Jumpsuits and Pink, Pink Oxfords. . . .

 I’m up early (as is my tendency) after a decent night’s sleep (hoorah!), and I’m heading over to Vancouver Island to visit with friends. Yes, having only just having recovered my voice after a five-day…

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Friday Randomness

After at least a month of not sleeping more than five consecutive hours (combo of anxiety and reflux and colds), I slumbered right through last night, and wow! that feels much better. And having begun…

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Postcards from Lyon — Delayed in Transit. . .

 I don’t know how you’re faring this morning, but I need some respite from ugly news. So I’m heading back to the Basilica up the hill in Lyon’s Fourvière district. When I visited this late…

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Five Things Friday

1. Turmeric Chai/Latte I’ve been meaning to work more turmeric into my diet for its various health properties, particularly its anti-inflammatory super-powers. So when a pack of Turmeric Elixir caught my eye while I was…

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