Fall Friday Five — Garden Blooms, OOTDS, No Sealing Wax Nor Cabbages. . . .

Miscellany ‘r’ Us today, because 1. I’ve a five-hour roundtrip jaunt to take a girlfriend out for birthday lunch. All on public transit (except for the part I’ll be transported by Shank’s Mare), so I’ll…

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In the Garden, End of Summer, Fall’s Taking Over. . .

 My to-do list is a pleasant one today: The oven is currently heating for two loaves of sourdough that have been slow-fermenting in the fridge since Tuesday.  Once those are baked, the condo smelling delicious,…

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Meanwhile, Back in the Garden . . . .

As we settle back home, we’re seeing the signs of others who have spent time here while we travelled. The mason bees must have been busy here, for example. Just before we left, back in…

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Missing My Garden Already. . . . But Travel Calls. . .

The apple blossoms tightly furled above the new leaves will bloom very soon, and the mason bees that recently broke out of their cocoons in our little mason been box will no doubt collect pollen…

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What’s Happening in the Spring Garden on the Terrace? So Much!

Spring on the Terrace! We leave for Europe two weeks from now, and as much as I’m looking forward to the trip, I’m already regretting the blooms we’ll miss, a bit envious of those visitors…

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