Vancouver Mural Walk, Cheer and Courage Guaranteed. . .

As eager as I am to be in Paris and Rome again (especially to see and hug the overseas family members) there’s still much to enjoy right here, in the neighbourhood. For example, I could…

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Paris, Looking Forward, Looking Back. . .

As we prepare to travel again, I’ve begun to organize my box of travel journals.  More than twenty little books, in a few different formats, record impressions of my travels since 2008.  Before that, for…

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Getting Dressed (and Beginning to Pack!) as the Weather Cools and the World Turns . . .

So, you might have read in earlier posts that we’ve made plans to head to Europe in a few weeks. I’m not saying much about that here yet, simply because travel is still fraught these…

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New Murals In the Neighbourhood — Walk With Me!

As I begin planning here for our first long-distance trip since 2019, I’m staying grounded by reminding myself of what there is to be seen in my own neighbourhood.  As fervently as I hope that all will go well with our upcoming travel plans, I’m also aware of how vulnerable those plans are in the current context, so it seems wise to continue paying attention to the good and the beautiful and the interesting that surrounds us.
And much of that, here in Vancouver, can be found in the murals added to the landscape each year through the Vancouver Mural Festival.  Before I switch my focus to far-off cities, I thought we could walk together to see the murals added to my neighbourhood.

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Must Be Mid-to-Late September Because . . .

. . . While life’s perhaps not as busy as it was before I retired — or, at least, the Busy isn’t Obligatory Busy-ness — last week I was molto impegnata, molto occupata (Very Busy! using two…

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