And Postcards from Paris. . .

Our last day in Paris, and I’ve spent an hour or so scribbling postcards to you — Paris through my eyes in a sunny November week. Just a few quick images, a few accompanying words. My idiosyncratic impressions. Hope you enjoy. . .

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And a Postcard from Outside Rome. ..

Most of our walking this trip has been on concrete or asphalt, surrounded by all the sights and sounds of a busy city. But last weekend we were treated to a day trip. . . a satisfying and fascinating walk along an old Etruscan pathway, through woods and fields, along a burbling stream, on a carpet of forest duff decorated with cyclamen and mushrooms. . . . And, as usual, I may have taken too many photos. . .

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Quickly scrawled postcard from Rome . . .

I’d love to do better than scrawl a hasty postcard to you, but we’ve been busy and, after all, the priority for now is spending time with “the kids” — daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter. We…

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Paris, again. . . First Day Travel Moods

We’re back in Paris, elated to be here again. And also exhausted, épuisés, by the reality of travel. Grateful but honestly, as the adrenaline leaves our systems, a bit flat. . . The restorative solution? Getting outside, moving, observing, filling all the senses. . . . The simple pleasures of slow travel, in fact.

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What I Read in September

Busy with preparations for my upcoming trip to Europe — among those preparations an important consideration being “what books to download for plane and train reading? — I’m finally posting my September Reading. Some fine memoirs for you, two tense mysteries, one tough but important work of documentary fiction, and two literary novels with domestic or family themes.

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.