In Praise of Puttering . . .

I began writing this post yesterday, didn’t finish it, and this morning, honestly, I wonder if it’s worth continuing. We’ve covered this territory before. But, also honestly, it’s what’s I had yesterday, and if it’s…

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On the Daily, Sketches from My Covid Journal. . .

I hope you all saw my last post, about a reader’s adventurous plans for an ex-pat retirement in Portugal. I’ve always daydreamed about living in Europe for a year or so, and Carol’s description of…

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I Had a Meltdown. . . and Then I Recovered. . . How’re You Doing?

First of all, here is the Mason Bee House in our condo-terrace “garden”. . . above, a photo from March 19th, and below, as it was yesterday afternoon.  Three of the tubes were completely empty…

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Thinking Inside the Box. . . As we do in times of Covid-19 . . .

We’ve had several very dreary days in succession, and today’s weather forecast shows six calendar squares filled with an image of a grey cloud dripping with rain. . . I suppose, given all the hand-washing…

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Wednesday Muesli-Making. . . .

It’s going to take me a few days to put together that follow-up post about the Italian style exhibition I visited last week and my continuing cogitation on Sustainable Style and Slow Fashion and the…

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