OOTD for Walking and Listening and Thinking. . . Postcards from the Neighbourhood

Making up our week’s supply of muesli this morning, getting ready for my online (live, Zoom) yoga class, I thought briefly about the comment an Anonymous reader left on Monday’s post (deleted 30 seconds after I…

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Of Root Canals and Roses. . . .

You may have noticed, if you follow me on Instagram, that I’ve got some dental woes going on this week.  These are too tiresome to recount here (in brief: nearing the end of the first…

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Friday Five as I “Hold Space”. . . .

A Friday Five post as I continue to think about what I want to write here.  I’ve always had nigglings of discomfort about the privilege my blog represents and my self-consciousness about that is greater…

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Paris and Poppies and a Pondering or Two. . . .

Sunny today again, and again the thermometer will climb into the low 20s. Very pleasant. Warmer than it was last week when I wore this comfortable combo.  Yeah, I might be guilty of defaulting to…

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Instead of Sicily. . . .

This would have been our fourth week in Sicily. We’d just be settling into our AirBnB in Palermo, getting ready to explore the famed markets of that Mediterranean city. We’d be tracking the progress of…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.