In the Neighbourhood, Walking to Italy . . .

In this post, I return to a little series I call “Walking, Wearing, Listening” in which I share photos of what I wore on a neighbourhood walk along with photos of that neighbourhood — and tell you a bit about a podcast I listened to. In this post, the podcast will take me (and you, should you care to join me) to Naples, even as I walk the streets around me here in Vancouver. Walk with me?

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August Reading, Part II

First time I’ve divided my monthly book post into two parts, but I read so much in August! I hope you’ll find something to interest you among my recommendations.

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August Reading — An Embarrassment of Biblio Riches, Part I

I read so many books in August that I’m dividing this post into two parts. Six books in each, with some recommendations I hope you like among the twelve. Please click through to read.

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A (Continued) Sartorial Ode to Summer as La Rentrée Picks Up Speed . . .

A slightly elegiac post of Summer Outfits I Have Worn, as we move into the Fall momentum that will soon catch us up . . . As the calendar turns and we swap out our closets. . . or not . . .

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Summertime, and the living is . . . .

Summertime, and the living is. . . delightful, but not as easy as when we were younger and had more energy! We’ve been hanging out a fair bit with a very energetic (and much younger!) crowd this summer, and I’m doing some Activity Triage here. Maybe this happens in your summer as well?

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.