Summer’s Treasures, Little Pleasures, Happiness Can Be . . .

Another in my Walking, Wearing, Listening series, in which I talk about a podcast I listened to while walking in my neighbourhood . . . and I share photos of what I saw and what what I wore. This time, I’m summing up a podcast about a treasure hunt for the simple pleasures of summer. And I’m making a little list. Come join me? Click through to read more.

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Summers Gone, Summer’s Passing, Summer Now

I’ve been missing the remembered ease of Island summers past . . . feeling elegiac, melancholy, and very aware of time passing. At the same time, I’m wanting to make the most of the Summer I’m in right now, and set up some good practices or attitudes for future summers. After all, I’m not going to be 70 forever, right? Hah! Click through to read more — I’d love to know if any of my musings resonate with you. . . whatever your age.

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Mindful Energy Consumption (Personal Energy, that is, in my 70s)

In a busy week as the visiting Nana-in-charge, Something(s) Had to Give! A post about how I conserve (and spend) my energy so as to be My Best Self . . . illustrated by What I Wore photos and a surprising candid shot of a neighbourhood visitor. Click through to read and see more . . .

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Slowed Down, Again — It’s All Good!

Slowed down by a bout of laryngitis here, I’ve had time to sketch some daily domestic doings. . . and also to revisit my travel notes and sketches. Hope you won’t mind popping back to Tuscany with me. . .

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June Already? And It’s SO Busy!

A post about what I’ve been up to this week — so much going on! — and sharing a couple of pages from my sketchbook.

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.