New Day, New City — and Keeping It Real, Travel-Wise

I saw the glorious Duomo di Milan yesterday — after a day that included a few worries. Sharing the highs — I met an angel in very practical, no-nonsense human form, I saw the Duomo in late-afternoon sunlight — and the lows . . . keeping it real, as my friend Sandy often says. Clcik through to read; maybe you have some travel reality of your own to share.

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Okay, then, Autumn it Is!

Despite the title, this post is more an elegiac nod to summer sights and outfits worn, photos garnered on walks through the sunny urban landscape. On the cusp of autumn, I’d love to share these with you and we can wave good-bye to this season together. . .

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Books I Read, August 2023

Yes, I’m late with my monthly reading post (busy with preparations for October travel), but OH, some really great books in this stack. And, as always, we’ll build a conversation in the comments that will offer even more suggestions. Perhaps you’ll add yours! Please click through to read.

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La Rentrée — But. . . Still Two More Weeks of Summer

Yes, it’s La Rentrée,Back to School days, etc., but despite the hype, it’s not Fall yet . . . and I want to observe and celebrate Summer right until the equinox. Summer OOTDs and summer walking, some simple everyday joys to share with you. Click through to join me?

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Books I Read in July 2023

A musician’s memoir, a mystery in English (set in England); a mystery in Italian (set in Italy); a novel about women’s lives across the classes in India, and two wonderful debut novels set, respectively, in contemporary London and in Paris, France and Nablus Palestine during the first half of the 20th century. I hope you’ll find something to read among these titles, and perhaps add your own suggestions to the ensuing conversation.

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.