Books Read, March 2024

If you’re looking for something to read — literary fiction, mystery, memoir, spy novel, gardening, road trip books in translation — I have a few to recommend from my March reading. Click through to see, and be sure to check out the bookchat that generally builds in the comments (maybe you’ll leave a comment, even a recommendation of your own). . .

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Midweek Miscellany. . . Or Spring Break Shenanigans. . . (Featuring My New Spring Coat!)

Energy has changed around here with the onset of spring — I’ve been out and about (some grandkid adventures, some of our own) and enjoying the power of pink — in the garden and even in my wardrobe.

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Mellow Yellow — a Medley of Cheer

Yellow from the ground up — a Medley of Mellow Yellow, including some Outfits of the Day, some cheery blooms, a sketch of a favourite book cover (yellow, of course), and some mending. All that’s missing is YOU; do pop through by clicking the link.

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January Reading — Good Start to 2024!

I read SO much in January — all fiction, all English, literary fiction, historical fiction, some mystery novels, some books that beg a second reading, and books that take us to the Appalachians, to Cumbria, New York, Paris, Athens, 1950s Minnesota and even into toile-patterned wallpaper . . . Come see if there’s anything you’d like to pull down from the shelf and read. . .

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2023 Reading List

2023 was another rich year of reading, and putting my Annual Book List together was a good way to remind me of so many great titles. This list offers those titles with briefest of descriptions (genre, setting, subject, etc) and a link back to the monthly post in which the fuller entry originally appeared. Perhaps you’ll find your next book here? Click through to peruse. . .

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.