And just like that. . . 2023!

Five days into the new year, and I’m slowly letting some priorities emerge. I’m curious about whether any words or goals or even resolutions might reveal themselves, but so far I’m content to make the shift into 2023 slowly. What about you? Click through to read, and maybe we can compare notes.

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Bundled Up for the Season — Comfort and Joy and a Coat or Two

Time to bring that travel wardrobe firmly back to Vancouver. The coat that served me well in Paris and Turin has to work harder now that ice and snow are bringing the BRrrrr factor to my neighbourhood walks. Click through for some What I Wore examples and also some chat about what’s going on at my place as Christmas approaches.

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November: Reading on Planes, Trains, Not so Many Automobiles. . .

My November Reading was heavily influenced by my travel in France and Italy. They would be good companions if you need some “trains and planes” reading in the near future. Should you be staying home, though, while yearning to travel, these titles and a comfy armchair can take you to France, Italy, England, Cape Cod, and even ancient Greece.

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Sketching a Neapolitan Angel, There and Here

After a month of travel, every day somewhere to go, meals eaten out, scarcely a morning alone, I’ve plummeted into the relative stillness and isolation of a bout of Covid. Most symptoms gone now, the fatigue yet keeps me on the other side of all the December busy-ness. I’m trying to see that as a good thing, using the quiet time to sketch up some travel memories.

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Carry-On Wardrobe meets Neapolitan November Sunshine . . .

So often in Italy, I found my ochre accessories matching my environment. Our room in Naples, for example. But I also wore navy and red and white and even cobalt there, for daytime temperatures that ranged from 13 or 14 Celsius up to 25 or 26. My Carry-On-Only Wardrobe kept coming through for me. Click through to see What I Wore.

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.