May Reading, 2024

My May reading: Mystery, Literary Fiction (American women in 1960s Vietnam; Vietnamese refugees in late 70s; a marriage foundering during an ex-pat year in Brazil; dystopia in Dublin); Ruth Reichl memoir. It’s all here — maybe you’ll find something you’ll want to read as well. . .

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Birthdays, Mothers, Lilacs, Remembered

Lilacs carry a childhood memory for me, as they did for my mother. And each May, as they bloom around Mother’s Day and my birthday, the memories stir again, evoked by fragrance, by tiny blossoms clustered against the sky.

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Books read in April, 2024

My April books got me through the weeks of travel prep (and pre-travel anxiety) and through long flights and train journeys. Mysteries, memoirs, literary fiction, romance, and armchair travel — it’s all here! Click through to read more and join the book chat.

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More Solo-Travel Notes (and Two Sketches) from Lisbon

A few more images from my Lisbon hotel AND a peek in my travel sketch journal.

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A Week (of OOTDs) in Lisbon

A quick post before I leave Lisbon, just to share What I Wore — I made some bolder choices colour-wise this trip, and the capsule wardrobe is working surprisingly well. Click through to see. . .

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.