gardens and new friends

Two posts for the price of one today! These are some of the shots taken in the “secret garden” I mentioned, one we would not have discovered if we were taking the Tube, but rather…

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Spring Colours — garden and closet

It has been so awful here, weather-wise. Yes, last week’s snow finally melted off the ground, and I’m no longer worried about the pipes to the cottage freezing at the nighttime -7 lows, but the…

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The Garden’s Baubles . . . and Mine

Admittedly, the above is not a particularly convincing photo, but it’s meant to show you that the “strawberries” on my Arbutus uneda (Strawberry tree) are plumping up and changing colour. While I’ve had berries on…

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Meanwhile, back in the garden

All this travelling is well and good, but, to paraphrase Voltaire, il faut cultiver mon jardin. I’ve realized how little garden blogging I’ve done lately — turns out that reflects how little weeding and trimming…

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Bonne Fête de la Bastille — in the garden, after a Vancouver weekend

First, a message from Misstic in honour of Bastille Day: Back on my island after a busy few days in Vancouver: I had lunch with my sister Rachel and my daughter Rhiannon at Griffin’s at…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.