Recent Reading Adventures — the Public Library and Beyond. . .

After years of not using the public library, relying instead on the academic libraries of my grad schools and then of the university I taught at, I finally renewed my membership at the library in…

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Let’s Go to the Market! (and I’ll show you What I Wore)

 Wow! I woke up at my regular 5-something this morning, but managed, very unusually, to fall back asleep — and when I woke again it was 7 o’clock! I’m going wild with the exclamation points…

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If I’m Happy (in the city) and I Know It, Tell My Blog. . .

 I’ve already written so many words this week that I think it’s time for some photos. In fact, I hesitated even to post these, because I’m always conscious that once a new post rolls up,…

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Transitions and/in Friendship

So interesting what happens through the process of writing this blog and then watching your responses to it, reading through your eyes to get some distance from what I’ve said, what I’m feeling. As well,…

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What I Read, First Half of 2016

A friend pointed out to me the other day that, with the end of June, we were already halfway through 2016. The observation gave me pause. Pater and I have done so much already in…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.