Cycling Gear for an Anniversary in the City . . .

Thought you might be interested in knowing what one wears to celebrate a 42nd anniversary à vélo — for me, on a warm day, it’s lasts year’s olive linen-cotton skirt and a just-bought “art T-shirt” which…

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42 years and counting. . . Marriage Longevity in progress. . .

I’m slowly doing my best to respond to all the comments on my last post, but today is mine and Pater’s 42nd wedding anniversary, so we’re heading off on our bikes for the day.  We’re…

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I Might Not be Badass, but I Conquered that Trail!

I’m wearing my bright yellow Vancouver Marathon t-shirt, channelling my Inner Strong Woman and perhaps hoping to signal my position to bears and cougars so that I don’t surprise them. My post evaluating my potential…

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BadAss to the Core? Um, Not Me, Sorry . . .

What if I come in to (blog) work part-time in the next week or two, just to ease my way back after my vacation (yes, still speaking metaphorically here)?  The break is/was more necessary than…

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Sunday Morning Eye Candy — Public Art in Vancouver, Two Works

 Still on a blogging break, but thought I’d share a few photos with you as I explore Vancouver during our “Staycation.”  Although we know the city fairly well, there’s plenty more to discover. For example,…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.