Ferrante ReadAlong Continues: Childhood, My Brilliant Friend
I’d love to keep the excuse-making to a minimum, but I will tell you that Pater and I enjoyed a long bike ride on Friday; I spent a glorious day with a friend visiting from…
View PostI’d love to keep the excuse-making to a minimum, but I will tell you that Pater and I enjoyed a long bike ride on Friday; I spent a glorious day with a friend visiting from…
View PostI’ve finished reading the “Childhood” section of Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend for the second time, and I’ve begun my post on it, likely to be up by Sunday, but I want to pause and ask what…
View PostYou are so right! That Is a Selfie-in-a-Bathroom. And in a Public Bathroom. No, worse, it’s in a very spartan Public Bathroom in a park, sporting a metal (so less vandalisable than glass) mirror. Why, why,…
View PostSurprising how much fun you can have at Nana and Granddad’s new digs with a few empty packing boxes. Seven-year old G’daughter constructed fifteen or twenty feet of tunnel with them on the weekend —…
View PostWith all the demands of moving, I must admit that I wished I hadn’t committed to a Monday post on those first ten (short, admittedly) chapters of the “Childhood” section of Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant…
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