Massive Architecture and Sculpture in Rome, Ancient and Contemporary

First of all, Context. I mean, it’s the Colosseum. Yes, it’s just sitting there, down the end of a street I access a few blocks from my hotel, and it’s been there, well, almost forever,…

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Ferrante Read-Along, Getting Back on Track, Shoe Story, Chapters 1-10

Now that I’m settled in our temporary home in Bordeaux, where I don’t feel the same need I did in Rome to get out of a hotel room and gobble up the city, I’ll see…

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Rome Retrospective from Bordeaux

 Hello from Bordeaux! I flew here from Rome on Saturday — thank you, RyanAir, who did a surprisingly decent job for a budget airline (I’d paid for an extra bag, just in case, but didn’t…

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Cartoline di Roma (Postcards from Rome) — And Short Stories from Readers!

You can see why I needed that Cerulean paint, right? (which I’ve now bought, thanks to Kristine, at the Poggi store near the Pantheon, what a delight!) — the skies always seem to have something…

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Ciao, just a quick wave from Rome

Jetlag with a 9-hour time zone difference is tough. I slept through my first night here, but scarcely a wink the second. Then last night, I fell asleep about 11 only to wake at 1…

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