More Garden

 Pictures only today — I’m getting ready for pre-wedding houseguests arriving tomorrow. Some rushing around is happening. But there are roses. . . . startling pink Hansa (a rugosa, rather close in colour to my…

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From the (presumed) judgement of Paris to a Gardener’s Wisdom. . .

If you read the comments on my last post, you’ll have noticed one from my lovely neighbour, Jane, welcoming us home and assuring me that she really doesn’t care how I’m dressed. Besides being a talented…

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Winter Garden Joys

As promised, some photos of my neighbour’s marvelous winter garden, maintained long after his death by the new owners who continue to hire the wise and wonderful Gardening Jane. Phil, in his 80s by the…

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Other People’s Gardens . . .

I know you’re all wanting to hear about yesterday’s lunch with Lisa, and I’ll tell you quickly that it was great fun, she’s lovely and funny and warm and very gracious. More later on what…

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Garden Delights and Running News

Perhaps eight, maybe ten years ago, I commented to a colleague who also gardens that I really loved a small tree, just below our department’s building, one that managed to be festooned with both white…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.