Other Places, Here. . . . Travel and Home, Paris in my mind’s eye. . .

We have been plunged so completely and wonderfully and satisfyingly and exhaustingly back into family life in our new home that I’ve scarcely had a moment to think about my ten weeks away. Yet as…

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Five Random Post-Move, Post-Travel, Pre-Christmas List Items. . .

Last night I slept 6.5 hours, after a full 5 the previous night. After a week of 4s, this is a huge relief, and I’m anticipating being back to full strength (and perhaps even being…

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Word-less Wednesday

This is going to be the Least Wordy post I have ever written on a Wordless Wednesday — so much to adjust to here, much of it just lovely (family, especially the grandkids) but some…

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Home, Sweet Cold and Snowy Home. . .

 Jetlag still has its cruel hooks in me — at least, I feel fine except that I haven’t yet slept more than three hours at a time since Friday night. Our travel home was uneventful,…

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ReadAlong post from Paris. . .

I hope you’re not becoming too impatient with my posts pleading for your patience. I’ve obviously bitten off more than my traveling self can chew — or write! — with this ReadAlong (plus the whole…

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