More Reflections, in Winter Sunlight. . . .
Yesterday, as I said I would, I met a dear friend for coffee. Our friendship stretches further back in my life than any other relationship other than those with my siblings, yet we hadn’t seen…
View PostYesterday, as I said I would, I met a dear friend for coffee. Our friendship stretches further back in my life than any other relationship other than those with my siblings, yet we hadn’t seen…
View PostJust a quick note to say that my visit to our old stomping ground was so satisfying, if exhausting. Our afternoon ferry got us to the island with enough time to check in, unpack, and…
View PostWe’ve switched back to our normal rainy weather here. In fact, if you can believe it, the official Environment Canada weather website has a Rainfall Warning posted. You know you’re going to be wet when…
View PostSo what does one wear when the sidewalks are dangerously icy, the temperatures are stuck below freezing, one’s feet are complaining about the new snow boots, and the cabin fever brought on by three weeks…
View PostWant to play a guessing game? I’m easing gradually off my couch, away from the box of kleenexes and the packet of cough drops, moving slowly into the year. Some stock-taking is in order (I…
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