How to Grandma — You Do You. . .

Little Girl’s Mama and Papa (that’s what she’s always called them, my DIL’s heritage being Italian, although the world around LG has her saying Mommy and Daddy more and more often) got home safely yesterday…

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Adjustments — Clocks and Toddlers and Nanas Heading Home. . .

My son and daughter-in-law are on their long flight home as I write, as their daughter sleeps an artificial hour longer this morning thanks to Daylight Savings Time. Sadly, the little chat she and I…

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Another Day Begun — with a Memory-Filled Cuppa (and a Two)

The Little Girl is stirring in her room, and/but I’m determined to have a cup of tea all to myself before I say Good Morning. She and I had a good-enough visit at 4 a.m.,…

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Let’s Go For a Walk. . . Looking for Spring…

We’re at our son and daughter-in-law’s place at the moment, waiting for them to hand over the childcare torch for a week. Very Active Granddaughter turned Two yesterday, and I suspect we’ll return home either…

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Nest-Feathering Report: Entryway Photo Wall

 We’re getting much closer to having this new home accommodate enough of our old lives while we nudge our way into the new. Our entryway is a good example of this. It might seem to…

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