A What-I-Wore Wednesday Round-up

As promised, a round-up of some recent OOTDs, during this very transitional weather we’ve been having. . . I bared my legs and slipped my newly pedicured feet into my white Birkenstocks for an Easter…

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And on Monday, I rest. . . .Busy Weekend Doings Here!

Friday evening, we got the weekend started by scooping two Littles from a frazzled Momma, and taking them for dinner. The first place we tried, a casual favourite pub-on-the-corner, was predictably full at 6-ish with…

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A Few Last Wedding Photos

Thanks so much for the thoughtful and kind and wise comments on my last post. I’m doing my best to answer each response, but it will take a while.  Meanwhile, today began with an 8…

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A Funny Thing Happened at the Dentist’s Office . . . The Realities of a Big Move

When I was back on the island a couple of months ago, taking that two-day drawing coursewith my friend Alison, I bumped into numerous friends and neighbours from our 20+ years there. Fielding questions about…

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What I Wore, the Weekend Version. . .

 A little What I Wore, What I Did reporting from the weekend while I polish up a post that’s taking time to write. Apologies to those of you who saw these two posts on Instagram…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.