Reality Bites — Or How I’m Getting My Groove Back. . .

After three wonderful days of visiting with Sue and Lisa — which included a delightful catch-up coffee with the inspiring Melanie of Bag and a Beret–, the reality of jet lag; of the fatiguing effects…

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Blogger Meetup: Visitors from California. . .

If you’re curious about the out-of-town guests whose company Pater and I have enjoyed this week. . . .  It’s eight years now since Sue/Une Femme and I firstmet, here in Vancouver, and more than…

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Post-Travel Word-less Wednesday. . .

Pater and I are playing Tourist in our own city today, showing around a couple of friends. But before we pick them up for the day’s adventures, I thought I could do a quick Wordless…

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Chez Moi, Encore. . . . Home Again, Jet-Lagged Again!

4:14 a.m., and I’ve been up for an hour; jetlag, if I may be so blunt, is a bitch.  But she’s a bitch who, if managed well, can lead to productivity. So. My morning pages…

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Travel: Pressing “Pause” in Croatia

As I snapped photos of Pater and our “Rome crew” — daughter, son-in-law-granddaughter — in Diocletian’s Palace in Split a few evenings ago,  a young man offered to take one of all of us. Lovely…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.