Spring in the Garden!

Still in a holding pattern here, with not much time left over for blogging, but I did get out in the garden the other day with my camera. So while I move on to the…

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Harvest Time in the Garden . . .

A bit of foreshadowing — red hiding among the green foliage on the Scarlet Runner climbing the teepee frame in our back garden. On the back deck, a row of tomato plants looking discouragingly, unremittingly,…

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BC Day — Relaxing in the Garden

On Coastal British Columbia, we’re finally enjoying the consistent summer weather that paints every outdoor activity with pure joy. And it’s BC Day today! So we have a province of folks squeezing summer out of…

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Who’s Joined Us in the Garden? A Bordeaux Visitor

 This lovely fellow arrived last week in a parcel of cushions we had shipped from France (more on those later), and we were very pleased to welcome him. We last saw him in Bordeaux where…

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Conversations in the Garden

 Back home yesterday after almost a week away (Vancouver, Victoria), I was thrilled to see that the roses are in full bloom. My camera and I have dozens of photos of this annual eruption, but…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.