Black and Light and Paris. . . and an Eclipse for Good Measure. . .

Having just booked a(nother) flight to Paris later this year (actual destination being a b-sitting gig near Rome, but Vancouver-Rome Direct, Non-Stop, not being a possibility). . . having just booked that last week, booked…

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Right There, in Black and White, The Writing, er Painting, is on the Wall . . .

 More images from the Vancouver Mural Festival today, these ones taken last week while the artists were still working to complete their walls for the thousands of visitors that would view them on Saturday and…

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Wednesday Wall (Mural, that is)

This gorgeous mural in its very urban environment makes quite a contrast to my last post, doesn’t it? I hope you’ve had a chance to visit Ali’s garden and to join the conversation there, where that…

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Garden Visits: Ali’s, on an Island

Hello! Have I got a treat for you today!  Ali, a reader and sometime commenter here,  has generously invited us to visit her garden, so my idea of a series of posts featuring readers’ gardens…

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A Friday in Venice? Don’t Mind if I Do. . .

I’ve written so many words this week, but not for today’s post, unfortunately. I have a brilliant gift of a post for Monday, a gift from a gardening reader, and I’m so excited to share…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.