A Little Navy Dress and Some Thoughts about Friendship

 For an opera as splendid as Turandot, especially when produced this sumptuously, one really should dress up a bit. But the practicalities of walking to the Skytrain stop through Saturday night’s significant rainfall couldn’t be…

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Friday — Another Sleepover Guest, Another Test for the New Urban Lifestyle

 Okay, these photos really have nothing to do with the text of this post — except that they testify to the compensations an urban lifestyle offers against the reduction of space it cost us. .…

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Of Moods and Mood-Mods and Travel. . .

I had a wonderful time with a visiting friend on the weekend, managing toignore the symptoms through our dinner Saturday night and lovely long chat that evening and the next morning. Another out-of-town friend arrives…

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Back-Alley Wanderings in Urban Vancouver

 I am recovering from a first-ever Urinary Tract Infection. Horridly uncomfortable, as many of you will already know. So very grateful for modern medicine and that I live in a country with very accessible health-care:…

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New Shoes and an Old Skirt: a Friday Short and Sweet Post

It’s been a short but intensely busy week here (we have a project, my guy and I), and I have a busy weekend ahead (babysitting Two Littles tomorrow morning; a girlfriend arriving tomorrow afternoon for…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.