Nature’s colours

It occurs to me that if I were a decent photographer, I could post a photo a day of the view from my front deck — ready-made variations on a theme. I took these on…

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All good things must come to a temporary hiatus?

Besides so often arriving home on Wednesday too tired to feel enthusiastic about shoe-blogging, I’m running out of shoes that deserve a post. Yes, there are more shoes in my wardrobe, but I’m not sure…

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Arts and Culture on the Island

I realize I never got ’round to writing about the opera last weekend, and now I have to admit that’s probably not going to happen — except to say that it was a “double bill”…

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Callooh, Callay

Oh frabjous joy, my Viburnum bodnatense ‘pink dawn’ is in full bloom, sending its delightful fragrance out on the November winds. I had commented on bloomingwriter’s post on viburnumsthe other day about my Pink Dawn,…

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Writing about the Superficial — that’s me!

When I began writing this blog, I was modelling it primarily on the many knitting blogs that first enticed me into this corner of the cyber-world, but I anticipated writing about my many other activities…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.