A Lazy Weekend. . . With Task-Oriented Shoes

Since I wrote here last, it snowed heavily for a day — we accumulated something like 15 centimetres, so enough to impede mobility and encourage a lazy weekend. I cancelled my appointment with the dental…

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Friday Five, With February Snow on the Way

We’re expecting some “at times heavy” snow today — up to 10 centimetres, and then another 5 to 10 tonight. . .  And, unfortunately, I have to make my way downtown for a tooth-cleaning appointment…

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Table for One — a Solo Travel post

As lovely as it is, when travelling with a friend or a romantic partner, to be able to share pleasure in new sights, sounds . . . and tastes! . . . as lovely as…

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Spoiled for Choice, An Embarrassment of Riches, Too Many Books? — Never!

First of all, let me say what a difference my membership at the Vancouver Public Library has made to my reading patterns this past year. The ability to download e-books, even from different countries while…

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Monday Morning, Getting Started

I’m feeling a bit Monday-morning-ish today — there’s light there, yes, but there might be some climbing involved, and perhaps some digging as well. . . . (the photo is taken from my balcony, early…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.