A Rant-balancing Bouquet on Canada Day

Having indulged in a rant, however reasonable and muted I believe that rant to have been, it seems only right to offer a bouquet. The coppery roses are Royal Sunset, the yellow ones Graham Thomas,…

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Books Read January to June, 2008

My apologies to those of you who subscribe. This post just represents a shuffling of my notes, a bit of house-cleaning — I’m moving the clutter from my side-bar, but I still want to keep…

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wandering in the Jardins du Luxembourg

As David Downie puts it in his Paris, Paris, Journey into the City of Light, the Luxembourg Gardens are, “in their own way. . . a perfect world: sixty acres of terraced woods and walks,…

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I’m It! Another Meme about Me

Mardel at SewDistractedtagged me with this meme several weeks ago, even before I got back from holiday. I’m enjoying reading these at numerous blogs lately, and I thought it might be fun to join in.…

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meanwhile, back in Vancouver

I hope you’re not getting too weary of my travel journal and photos yet. I do feel a bit like those friends who trap you with their huge stack of snapshots from their last vacation…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.