Oh! The Colours of Knitting

The only way I actually “had the nerve” to start a blog was based on my knitting — I’d read many knitting blogs for a year or two, enjoying their variety, hominess, and inspiration, and…

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Light and Shadow, Winter and Spring

As you can see, we’re enjoying bright sunshine and blue skies here this weekend. We’re also enjoying the way this light plays on the almost-completed addition to our garden and imagining dining under a cover…

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Some Cold, Some Warmth, Much Random . . .

We have been living in freezing fog for over a week now. Yesterday, fortunate enough to take in a reading by the visiting Saanich poet Philip Kevin Paul, I was mesmerized not only by the…

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Stuck in the Middle With . . . Worry and Guilt!

We spotted this charmingly cheery graffiti near some guerrilla gardening along the railroad tracks not far from Vancouver’s Granville Island back in November, the day before Nola was born actually. Cheery seems just the ticket…

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thank you, Alison!

A few days before Christmas, as we were trying to make all the arrangements necessary to leave the house and head to Vancouver, Pater walked into my office where I was checking ferry schedules on…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.