Not so Recent Movie-Viewing

Dark hellebores seem an appropriate garden illustration to accompany a discussion of drama (i.e. movies). Really, what’s more dramatic in the garden than dark blooms?! I discovered this list in a Draft Post from oh-so-long-ago-last…

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Spring Colours

You can see in this photo how scruffy my garden is, but you can also see that spring is finally arriving, announced by her most recognizable messenger, the daffodil! These hellebore have been place-holding for…

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Sun on the Water, Spirits Rising

Today is scheduled to be rainy and grey as are most of the next five days. Right now, I look across the water and see low marine cloud enfolding the north end of Gabriola, and…

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Cheering Me On — Flowers and Poems and Celebrations

Some more garden cheer, in the form of the wonderfully fragrant mahonia japonica. Other cheerful things: The reading I organized went very well. Although I wish even more hockey and poetry fans could have heard…

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Growth on St. Patrick’s Day — Life is Rich!

That’s green enough for St. Patrick’s day, don’t you think? That’s a ribena sanguinea ‘White Icicles’ bud getting ready to burst into bloom. I was curious to see when it did that last year, and…

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