Grab the Champagne!

I have to admit that despite annual visits to Paris over the last five springs, Pater and I have not visited the Eiffel Tower since 1990 when we took our kids to the top for…

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Weekend Sunshine!

We’re driving down to Victoria today where my husband has a meeting tomorrow for work. Much as we like to stay on our little island on summer weekends with beautiful weather, we’re turning this into…

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Connections — Generations, Species

The girls and I enjoyed our walk yesterday and they had fun trying to identify what vegetables might grow from what plants, based primarily on what kind of leaves they saw. There’s a Little Diggers…

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and food for life!

London is not the only city to offer charming surprise gardensnestled up to busy corners. In fact, Vancouverites increasingly stroll past Community Gardens producing lettuce, carrots, squash, peas, and tomatoes in a delightful variety of…

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Fragrance of Life

Having been barely home a week from Europe before going over to Vancouver to spend a week there with family, I’m now back and getting reacquainted with my garden. If, as this bench above (situated…

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