So much depends upon — the orange wheelbarrow!

One last splash of orange, if you don’t mind (and yes, the pun was deliberate — sorry!). Here’s our improvisational response to the lack of a baby pool here — we simply cleaned out the…

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Not a Shy Orange At All!

So Girlcook was sure she knew what orange surprise I had for today’s post (see yesterday’s post comments) but she was wrong . . . the orange-ness that girl’s thinking of is for a future…

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Orange you glad . . . ?

Hot, dry weather here, day after remarkable day. Hot enough that I don’t like to leave home, where the breeze off the water keeps the heat tolerable, and where we can cool off once the…

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Sunshine, Seaside, and Lavender

We’ve had sunshine most of the week, and now, heading into the weekend, we’re expecting even more heat — high 20’s, apparently. So time to stay by the water and enjoy the breeze, and to…

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Hair she is!

Warning: cringe-worthy narcissism and self-critique ahead! I loaded these photos a few days ago, but have been debating whether to feature my smiling face so many times, and have been close to pushing the “delete”…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.