For the Value of INefficiency — hurrah!

Last summer, I quoted from a BC Bookworld review of Shannon Stratton’s essay “Getting Things Done: On Needlecraft and Free Time,” published in Volume III of Craft Perception and Practice: A Canadian Discourse, edited by…

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New Sweater, new socks . . .

It’s been rather satisfying, lately, to be finishing off a number of knitting projects — here’s a pair of socks destined for my Pilates instructor who suffers from chilblains, especially when she comes back from…

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Time to Blossom Again

Above, a photo of a Duchess of Edinburgh clematis bud ready to blossom in the September sun. Below, another that has already opened its pretty white petals. This is a rare second blossoming for this…

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Mothers at the Shore . . .

The image below is taken from IndigoAlison’sFlickr series, Surf Widows at St. Ives. It’s a brilliant collection of photos Alison took while on vacation this year — she has painstakingly recorded mother after mother after…

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Acceptance as/or Re-Invention

I wrote this post some time ago, but then let the draft sit, almost deleting it once or twice. Then I saw Duchesse’s post today and her query about how we might be re-inventing ourselves…

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