Fill ‘er up . . .

Last weekend, I made a bold choice to put away all work on Friday and not get it out again ’til Monday night. My marking was caught up, and with the long weekend chomping one…

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More Fall Colour

I can see how blogs begin to fade away — busy day after busy day, I go longer and longer between posts and the posts themselves are a bit dull, I’m sorry to admit. But…

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It doesn’t get much better than a crisp, sunny October day. We haven’t had that first frost yet, so there are still some roses and late autumn clematis blooming as well as the odd borage,…

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Happiness Is . . .

ReadingLa Belette Rouge’s post about Happiness (and Happy-ishness) yesterday, I thought I’d follow her lead and list a few of the things I’m NOT complaining about these days (’cause I get that there’s been a…

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Thoughts on Knitting Inefficiency

I posted this over here, but also want it here as part of the record of my reading. Sorry for the duplication: Last summer, I quoted from a BC Bookworld review of Shannon Stratton’s essay…

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