a little more Vancouver sculpture . . .

It’s beautiful here today, sunshine everywhere. I’ve had a splendid run, circling my little island twice, and now I’m puttering, catching up on all those tasks I haven’t been able to do with so many…

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Thank you, and you, and you . . .

I was recently honoured to receive three blogging awards. While I’ve thanked the bestowers in comments on their blogs, it’s time I acknowledged their kindness here: Metscan, who has commented here thoughtfully, perceptively, and tastefully…

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More Spring . . .

Usually, I’m happy to get to the weekend, but approaching this one means Reading Break is almost over, and Monday morning brings the return of regular programming. Two meetings (one a doozy at four hours!)…

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It never gets old . . .

Much as we complain about grey, rainy days (ha! more like weeks, no, months!) on the West Coast of Canada, we generally acknowledge our good fortune in wonderful springs that begin unfolding their treasures for…

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Sculpting a laugh or two . . .

Playing tourist last weekend in Vancouver, along with the thousands and thousands of Olympic visitors, I finally took some photos of this sculpture which appeared at English Bay in 2009 as part of Vancouver Biennale.…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.