Notes from the Road

It’s been over a week since I announced my little blogging break, a week that I’ve been away from home. First, two days visiting friends in the small city near our old island home, then…

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Travel Journal, Paris Pages. . . .

The ardoise at Le Petit Vatel. May I recommend the boudin noir? Black pudding/blood sausage is not to everyone’s taste, I know, but I suspect you’d all appreciate the Gâteau au cédrat confit (Cake with…

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Paris Pages, From my Travel Journal

Back to Paris? Come along with me, and perhaps you can enjoy a café allongé at the next table, as I scribble in my travel journal. Okay, yes, our travel will be of the armchair variety,…

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Black and Light and Paris. . . and an Eclipse for Good Measure. . .

Having just booked a(nother) flight to Paris later this year (actual destination being a b-sitting gig near Rome, but Vancouver-Rome Direct, Non-Stop, not being a possibility). . . having just booked that last week, booked…

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A Friday in Venice? Don’t Mind if I Do. . .

I’ve written so many words this week, but not for today’s post, unfortunately. I have a brilliant gift of a post for Monday, a gift from a gardening reader, and I’m so excited to share…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.