Reading from a Rainy June

Mysteries (in English and Italian), perfect for reading in your hammock or by the fireplace (if you’re mid-winter right now). As well, I have some literary fiction to recommend, and two books about 60-something women looking back over their lives. Warning or Teaser: this post includes the boldest paragraphs ever published on this blog. Click through to read. . .

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May Reading

A bookstore in Palermo — I never did get inside, but maybe next time. . . I did, however, do a fair bit of reading last month, in Sicily and once we got back home. I have a few recommendations, for travel or for snuggling in your armchair or swinging gently in your hammock . . .

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April Reading, On the Move

I’ve visited some gorgeous libraries this trip, although I haven’t been reading as much as usual. Between all the walking and gawking and eating pasta, I’ve managed a few books. So here is my April Reading post, which does skew toward Armchair Travel. . .

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What I Read in March

Anthony Doerr’s Cloud Cuckoo Land would have to be my Most Highly Recommended book from my March reading, but there are several other titles I think some of you would enjoy as well. Two mystery novels, two engaging and entertaining literary novels, and a memoir of a walk through Italy’s history. Read on. . .

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February Reading

February, of course, is a short month, but with a fair bit of gloomy weather I found ample time for reading, comfortably ensconced on the couch with a cup of tea. And if you’re looking for something to bring to your own couch with your own cup of tea (or other favourite reading beverage), read on to find a title or two I’m happy to recommend.

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