Bill Gaston’s The Order of Good Cheer

Okay, classes are back in, which means I’m going to be using all spare time for preparing and then for marking. There won’t be much time for writing elaborate responses to my reading, but I…

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Reading Jane Gallop’s Anecdotal Theory

My friend Tanis recommended Jane Gallop’s Anecdotal Theory to me this summer, and I’m so glad she did. I haven’t read Gallop for years. I first discovered her in a grad course on The Politics…

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Poetry: Fernando Pessoa

Photo: Lisboans visit the two-week Book Festival set up near the Gulbenkian Museum last June. Yesterday afternoon, as a lovely antidote to the first department meeting of this new term, the Poetry Reading Group comprising…

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Nicci French’s Until It’s Over

Good ferry reading I just finished: Nicci French’s Until It’s Over. I’ve always enjoyed this writing pair’s mysteries (Nicci French is the pseudonym for the writing partnership of married journalists, Nicci Gerrard and Sean French),…

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petite anglaise, the book

Finished reading Catherine Sanderson’s Petite Anglaise and found it an enjoyable, well-written, light book, a “creative-non-fiction”/memoir that reads almost as a novel. My escape fiction/formula fiction of choice is generally the well-written mystery novel; as…

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