Three for the Big Armchair — two mysteries and a Paris memoir

Some recent light reading: Jeffrey Deaver’s The Burning Wire: Another Lincoln Rhyme’s mystery, this one will have you flipping those light switches very carefully, keeping small appliances well away from water, and being generally very…

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Carol Matthews’ Labyrinth book

My friend and neighbour Carol Matthews has folded a lifetime’s worth of wisdom into her slim book, Questions for Ariadne: The Labyrinth and the End of Times. The book is structured as a conversation with…

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Two of these books are not like the other . . .

I’m going to have to speed things up a bit, so you’ll excuse some disparate pairings, I hope, and some very brief remarks. Ian McEwan’s Solar, while it is, as the Sunday Times apparently declared,…

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More E-reading Mystery

This is just silly! I’m falling so far behind, and every time I get pulled into a new book, get caught up in the reading of it, the gap grows wider. So a bit of…

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Book-buying and The Slap

If you follow my main blog, materfamilias writes, you know that we try to travel light, relying on carry-on luggage only. Besides shoes, the big challenge to this restriction is in the number of books…

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