Sketching a Neapolitan Angel, There and Here

After a month of travel, every day somewhere to go, meals eaten out, scarcely a morning alone, I’ve plummeted into the relative stillness and isolation of a bout of Covid. Most symptoms gone now, the fatigue yet keeps me on the other side of all the December busy-ness. I’m trying to see that as a good thing, using the quiet time to sketch up some travel memories.

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Sketching up Thanksgiving!

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all of you and a special thank you to all my readers and commenters for your support and encouragement. Click through to read more — including a recipe for a hearty side dish which can also work as a vegetarian meal on its own.

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Sketching a Memory of My Mother

Last week on Instagram, I posted a sketch inspired by a photo of my mother in Greece, circa 1981. Some asked to see the photo itself, so I’ve posted it here, along with my recollections (disappointingly thin, I reproach myself!) of a trip my Mother took — without my Dad — 40 years ago. Also some musings about Time and Memory and Family — so strange from the perspective of a Late Sexagenarian. . . Perhaps you can relate?

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Stitching, Pre-Travel to Post-Travel . . .

I don’t know about you, but it takes me almost as long to recover my regular daily rhythm and activities AFTER travelling as it did to plan and prepare for the trip. But a little bear has got me back to my knitting, at least. And reminded me that I still haven’t shown you another Little Creature that swam off my needles before we left mid-April.

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What I Wore: The Sketchbook Edition

As I prepare for a Sketch Journal workshop next month in Sicily (Squee!), I’m paging back through a short series I’ve been sketching in my Fabiano Artist’s Journal, a series of Outfit of the Day Self-Portraits. Maybe you’d like to look over my shoulder as I turn the pages? Click through for more, please.

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.